ADA Compliant Tuftile Detectable Warning Tile

  • $363.00

SignOptima offers the best quality ADA tactile walking surface indicators systems. Manufactured of a diamond-hard Corrosion-resistant galvanized steel offers long-term durability, and the best UV protection available to resist fading and material breakdown when exposed to sunlight / UV rays. 

GALVANIZED BENEFITS Half the weight of cast iron for faster and easier installation and greater shipping efficiencies

PREMIUM PERFORMANCE Long-term durability for heavy pedestrian traffic area 

SUPERIOR COLOR & PROTECTION powder coating system with superior UV and slip resistant finish.

ADA COMPLIANT Complies with ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) for Public
Rights-Of-Way (July 26, 2011). Meets Buy America Act 23
C.F.R. § 635.410.

SURFACE APPLIED is used to retrofit existing concrete at least 30 days old. It is a cost effective system that includes adhesive and fasteners. 

ada truncated tile-surface applied

Most Common Sizes are  3'x4' and  3'x5'

other sizes : 12"x36", 24"x36"

Available Colors in stock : Yellow 


  • Made of Galvanized Steel that incorporates aluminum oxide for extreme wear resistance
  • Certified to meet ADA and State requirements
  • Cost effective for retrofitting or new construction
  • complete system supplied; tile, adhesive, fasteners, sealant
  • sustains dynamic vehicle loading, AASHTO HS20-44 wheel load test
  •  ADA compliant wet & dry slip-resistant surface
  • Easily cut to conform to angled and radius ramps
  • Made in USA

ADA Tactile Detectable Warning Surface products application;

  • Curb Ramps
  • Pedestrian Crossing
  • Vehicular Passage Ways
  • Parking Areas
  • Escalator Approaches
  • Top of Stair Landings and Wheelchair Ramps
  • Transit Platforms
  • Multi Modal Transit Stations

Detectable/Tactile Warning Surface Tiles shall be guaranteed in writing for a period of five (5) years from date of final completion. The guarantee includes defective work, breakage, deformation, fading and loosening of tiles.

Installation guide and submittal package  :

Surface Applied :



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